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Digital Fluency students celebrate great gains

group of students holding cards saying + 25

Students in Wendy Stokna’s Digital Fluency class at Fort Plain Jr./Sr. High School are celebrating great gains.

Student progress in keyboarding was tracked by looking at the Net Words Per Minute (NWPM) that adjusts speed for accuracy. Collectively the classes started the school year averaging 17 NWPM with a range of 1 to 53 NWPM, and they finished the year averaging 40 NWPM with a range of 21 to 83 NWPM!

“That is an average growth of 23 Net Words Per Minute in one year!” Stokna said. “In each class, students start with a small amount of time using best practices in keyboarding, most importantly trying not to look at their hands and developing muscle memory.

“Just the practice of 10 minutes per class every other day created this amazing result. I want to express to my students how proud I am of their growth of this necessary 21st Century skill!”

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group of students holding cards saying + 24