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6th grade students scope out FPHS

students and adults outside classroom door, with teachers inside looking out at them

Fort Plain’s 6th grade students enjoyed a preview of their upcoming junior/senior high school days when they toured and explored FPHS on June 14. Their insider’s view came with lunch and a Q&A session with upperclassmen.

Grades 7-9 school counselor Mrs. Kayla Mahoney coordinated the event to support the students’ transition to junior high school in the fall. Grades 10-12 school counselor Elliott Cohen also guided students at the event.

Eleventh grade students volunteered as tour guides and panel participants. Tour stops included each 7th grade core classroom as well as the cafeteria, auditorium, library, gym and various offices in the high school.

“The students also practiced what their lunchtime routine would be like and enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by the high school cafeteria staff,” Mahoney said.

“In the auditorium, students heard from Mr. Bertram, athletic director, about opportunities in athletics at the 7th grade level. Then, they had the opportunity to ask questions about 7th grade and the junior/senior high school to the panel of juniors.”

Welcome to FPHS, rising seventh graders!

students in the cafeteria on the serving line

group of students seated

big group of 6th grade students in HS lobby, listening to Ms. Mahoney