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Schools reopen for learning January 4

January 3, 2021

Dear Members of the Fort Plain Schools Community:

Fort Plain Schools will welcome back our students and staff on Monday, January 4. It will be an A day at Harry Hoag, and grades 7, 8 and 9 are in-person at the Jr./Sr. High School.

COVID-19 remains a concern, with many regions including ours experiencing increased infection rates. However, data has shown a low rate of virus transmission in schools, which have been recognized by the governor for taking effective precautions. Your continued partnership in our efforts is most appreciated. Wearing masks, maintaining social distance, washing your hands, screening your own and your children’s health daily, and staying home when you or your children are sick are all vital to our continued ability to provide a safe learning environment.

As always, we will keep you apprised of any developments that impact our school schedule. We continue to work closely with the county health department and follow their guidance. During the holiday recess, when our schools were closed, the district was notified of three positive COVID-19 cases involving individuals in the Fort Plain Schools community. The health department is advising those individuals on testing and quarantine.

Please note that the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other privacy laws restrict us from disclosing or confirming any personally identifiable information. We cannot identify anyone who has tested positive.

We are looking forward to seeing our students and staff back in the classroom tomorrow and to a happy and healthy year ahead. Please contact my office with any questions.

Thank you.

John Bishop
Superintendent of Schools