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Design project pulls many skills

hands holding packaging box with student-designed logo

When students in Kreig Heroth’s Technology and Design class at Fort Plain Jr./Sr. High School were challenged to design a product to assist individuals with operating a zipper, their project pulled in a lot more skills than the device itself.

The central task was to design and fabricate a product that makes it easier to pull a zipper for individuals affected by arthritis or other factors that could make using a standard zipper difficult. The students created their assistive zipper pulls from wood, wire, and even a magnetic hook and handle design.

Then they went further. Considering their potential customers and their needs, the students named their products, created logos and branding, and designed packaging to hold and market their creations, using recycled computer boxes. A student also crafted a wooden display box for his product.

“They had a lot of creative ideas, not only for their zipper pulls, but for their product packaging and marketing,” Heroth said. “The class is really enjoying this project.”

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student building wooden display box

2 students holding zipper pull prototype

hand holding zipper pull in package