Capital Project vote to be held Oct. 3
On Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024, the Fort Plain community will vote on a $10,140,000 capital improvement project. If approved, the project will fund needed repairs and improvements inside and out of both Harry Hoag Elementary School and the Jr./Sr. High School. It will also enhance some of our well-used gathering spaces, such as the Jr./Sr. High School auditorium, and provide safer access to our athletic facilities.
Providing each Fort Plain learner with the opportunities, skills and mindset to be successful now and in their future pursuits is at the heart of our mission. Ongoing maintenance and improvement of our facilities is an essential part of fulfilling that mission.
Every learner and community member or organization that uses our facilities will benefit from these improvements.
The vote will be held at Harry Hoag Elementary School (polling in the school library) on Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
“Our teachers and school district leaders believe in the promise of education and feel strongly in creating a learning environment that guarantees each student the opportunity to get what they need from us to pursue a life filled with success and enduring happiness,” said Superintendent Lauren Crisman.
“In creating this project, we have been purposeful about what needs to be done to create a more safe and enriching learning environment that will support students now and help prepare them for their futures with no additional cost to local taxpayers.”
Zero tax impact with the use of reserves and bonding
Funding for the cost of this project will be paid for using the district’s reserve fund and bond borrowing (reimbursable through New York State Education Department/NYSED building aid) at no additional impact on local taxpayers.
Breakdown of funding for this project:
- Proposed Capital Project Cost: $10,140,000
- Total from Capital Reserve Fund: $1,180,000
- Bond Borrowing: $8,960,000
Cost to taxpayers: No additional cost to taxpayers. Projections assume a zero tax levy impact.
Proposed project scope
This project contains both needed repairs to enhance the safety and usability of our facilities for all and improvements that will, most directly, impact the learning experience for students and the staff who support them.
The New York State Education Department requires schools to complete a Building Condition Survey every five years in collaboration with a licensed architect. All items included in the project proposal are based on the recommendations of the district’s Building Condition Survey and additional stakeholder surveys.
These and other enhancements, include, but are not limited to:
- Repairs to the carbon monoxide monitors in the bus garage.
- Regrading the fields at the Athletic Complex.
- Reconstruction of the concrete stairs leading to the Jr./Sr. High School entry.
- Masonry reconstruction at the Jr./Sr. High School.
- Updated lighting and sound system installation in the Jr./Sr. High School
auditorium. - Repairs to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in the Jr./Sr.
High School. - Repairs and upgrades to the fixtures in the B wing of Harry Hoag Elementary School.
Project timeline
If approved, the design portion of this project work would begin in the spring of 2025 with a goal to have the work approved by late 2025. Planned renovations and construction would begin in the summer of 2026.
Voting information
The vote on this Capital Project, including the use of funds from the district’s Capital Reserve Fund to help pay for this project, will be held at Harry Hoag Elementary School Library on Thursday, Oct. 3 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
To vote, you must be at least 18 years old, a U.S. citizen and a resident of the Fort Plain Central School District for at least 30 days prior to the vote and not otherwise ineligible.
Absentee ballots
Absentee ballots are available for the Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024 Capital Project vote.
Absentee ballots will be issued upon request to residents who will be out of town or unable to vote at the polls due to illness or disability.
Request an absentee ballot by contacting District Clerk Becky Smith at 518-993-4000 ext. 1000.
Absentee ballots that are returned by mail must be received by the district clerk at least seven days before the vote – by Thursday, Sept. 26 at 5 p.m.
Absentee ballots may be picked up and submitted in-person at our District Office until the day before the vote – Wednesday, Oct. 2 by 5 p.m.
Learn more about the proposed capital improvement project
Public Hearing
Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024, 6 p.m. District Office Conference Room.
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024, 3 – 4 p.m. Meet at Harry Hoag Elementary School.
King + King Architects will lead a guided tour for the public through the various spaces slated for repair and improvement in the proposed capital improvement project.
Childcare for school-age children will be available for those participating with the tour.
Capital Improvement Project public hearing presentation – Sept. 12, 2024